Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fun with Family, Friends and .....cows??

Well, I've been told that a cow giving birth isn't much different than a human (hmmm, wonder who told me that?!)--until last month I had nothing to say to that because I've never been to a "cow" birth before.  That all changed when we visited a client of Tim's dad who owns a dairy farm with over 1,000 head of cows.  After meandering around and checking out the cows, some calves and being careful not to step in all the "pies" laying around Tim's dad and Malia noticed a mama cow that had a couple extra feet protruding from her.  After a quick assessment Tim's dad could tell that this little calf was breach and upside down--not good.  So Grant hustled to find help and we. watched. it. all.  I did not know that chains were involved...or a pulley/lever system---it was however in amazing process to watch---but I can confidently say that there is NO similarity to what I've personally experience--thank goodness!!!!  =)

Well, what a way to start a new post, eh?!!  Ya...I reel you in with juicy stories and then make you stay for the boring--life. as. usual. for. the. Friese's!!!
We've enjoyed the typical fun of fall with pumpkins and leaves!  Marshall has embarked onto the "playdate" phase of life and LOVES to have friends over or go over to their houses!! Malia & Morgan are just as busy with all their friends, school, church, and ugh...chorese! (as I type this, they are folding 1 of 3 loads of laundry---LOVE this!!)
Andrew & Marshall--playdate time!!!

Oh the playdough!  What would we do without playdough!

The prettiest horse wrangler ever!!

We did enjoy a day down in Rochester celebrating with Tim's family on Grampa Friese's 90th birthday!  Thankfully he wasn't outside to see some of the kids sitting on the porch pillars--apparently the kids--Tim, his siblings & cousins--weren't able to do that when they were young!  I guess it was  "no-no"!  O boy!

Great Grampa Friese with Marshall & Dylan

That same weekend we had just wondeful fall weather and drove to a nearby park to see the animals that live there.  I had no idea this park--Oxbow Park-- was so close to the farm where Tim's parents live.  We will be going back.  What's not to love about being the country and having an animal sanctuary so close--Malia was in her glory!

I love this--Malia somehow spooked the pony and his head flinched back right as I was  taking this pic!!  awesome!

Malia would've spent the whole day with this guy!

Tim & I would love to someday have a place in the country like this.  Deep down, or maybe not all that deep down, maybe more like right under the epidermis we are soooooooooooooo NOOOOOOOOT city people!  Yes, it's fun to be in "the cities" and have so many venues of fun & education at our fingertips, but that doesn't mean we are going here, there and everywhere all the time.  We would gladly trade this all in for a place in the country where the simple/normal things of life are appreciated a little more!!
My country boys!