Monday, February 20, 2012

2 More Birthdays in February!!

February is quite the month at our house!
First we celebrate Malia's birthday on the 11th....then we celebrate Tim's birthday on the 12th...and then on Valentines Day we celebrate my birthday!  Of course we focus on Malia--because that's what we do as parents!  And by's okay to take the focus off of how old Tim & I are getting and just have fun celebrating each new thing with the kids!!  (I know...we are so ancient!!)

Tim's birthday landed on a Sunday this year and it happened to be a very busy Sunday for the Friese household!  We teach Jr Church at our church every 2nd Sunday of the month and well, the 12th of Feb was the 2nd Sunday of the month!!  It happens that our church just went to doing 2 services each Sunday morning and so that meant we stay for both services and teach at both services!   Sunday night we also happened to be scheduled to be in the Nursery during the evening activities at church and then we had also had friends over for lunch!

So, yes...a little nutso for the birthday boy!  So, I gave Tim the "day off" from all of those and taught the Jr Church's and then arranged to have my friend Sarah be in the nursery with me so that Tim and a bunch of his buddies from church could hang out and grab some wings at the local Green Mill!

Tim had a great time with the guys and our Pastor even ended up over there with them, which was fun, too.  Tim enjoyed his day, even though he said he indulged a little too much during the gathering at Green Mill!  I forget how many wings they ordered...but it was a lot!!

I'm so thankful for Tim!!  I wouldn't have my precious family without him.  I'm so thankful for how God brought us together 13 years ago.  Thankful how God has kept us together and blessed us with Malia, Morgan & Marshall.  Every day is definitely a new day--I didn't say an easy day--but God's promises are also new every morning and His blessings tremendous when we keep our hearts & minds stayed on Him!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥       ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

And now Valentine's Day!  My Birthday!  
It's tricky having a birthday on Valentine's Day!  (Just ask Tim...He's learned---the hard way!!  ha ha!!)
Well, It was a busy workweek for me--busier than normal and I am not thankful to have a great job with great coworkers and bosses!  I came home from work on Monday to 2dozen roses!!  It was sweet!  Tim had been home all day with the Marshall-Monster and had ordered those ahead of time--he was thinking!!

In a couple weeks we are headed up north for a much needed weekend--AWAY!!  I'm so happy to have all these discount websites at our disposal!!  Like Groupon, Living Social and Crowd-Cut.  I bought a Crowd-Cut deal for a halfprice stay up in Lutsen--SWEET!!!  (however, gas will probably skyrocket, so the savings from the discounted deal will be put towards the fuel to get up there!!)  

I just realized that Tim & I didn't get a picture of us on our birthdays...I guess we will have to do that!  Maybe when we finally can get out for a birthday dinner we will get someone to snap our photo!!

Praying that this year will be a great year for us, a year of blessings--not just those showered on us, but that we can be a blessing to those around--that our kids will always see Christ in us and that we can grow as a family in the ways of the Lord!


1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure why, but reading this post tonight really made me miss you! (and your family...and church....and....) You are an encouragement to me, even miles and miles away and just feels good to know there's another mom with the same frame of mind when it comes to raising this next generation of kiddos.
    YAY for a weekend away!!! And I might need to look up some of those deals to snag come this summer as Andy and I celebrate our 10-year! We still have no idea what to thinking "up north" sounds pretty good!
    Hugs to you my friend...and yes, get a pic of you and your man! :)
    love ya!
