Saturday, July 28, 2012

Marshall, Marshall, Marshall

In late April our neighborhood started undergoing a summer road project.  New roads, gutters, curbs--and a whole of dirt---a wonderland of countless hours of playtime for Marshall!
Between the dirt on the roads, the 5 feet of dirt from the curb and up into our yard, the lakes in the streets thanks to a few downpours and how can I not mention all the MIGHTY MACHINES that were all over the place??  Well, all of this has given Marshall his best summer yet--and for a 3 year old that means a lot!!

The Bobcat!!

The "Earth-mover"

The small Steamroller!

The mighty digger!

A view of our corner in this madness!

Let it rain, Let it pour...LET US GET DIRTY!!

Marshall enjoyed just watching this whole process!

My little boy in the BIG Digger's bucket!

They had just come by and cut through our driveway--getting ready to tear it out and Marshall
his very own dirt playland in our front yard!

A bird's eye view of the construction right from our porch...He's "working" right along with them!

Replacing the culvert that goes through our backyard and under the road!

The "not so fun" part of this process is how when it rained our driveway got completely flooded.


But in the end...the girls enjoyed the big crazy puddles in  the street!

My little construction guy!

The perfect place to play!

Oh, no...the sod is coming..and so are Marshall's tears. 

A Marshall Truck??  A Marshall Cement truck??  WOW!!

Coming to our house??  Can it be???

YEP!!  Our new driveway with special concrete out of the Marshall Truck!!

The perfect place to have breakfast!!


Our Summer--So far--in digital form!

Here is a recap in photo form of late spring to present--or almost present--I have a few saved of Mr Marshall and all of our road construction for a special post that I will do later!

Easter 2012

These kids--I love them to pieces!
Uncle David & Morgan!


With Grampa & Grama Friese

Morgan and her little buddy Taffy-girl!

Sometimes Marshall & I go to the bakery when the girls leave for school!!!

Hmmm....good stuff Maynard!

Marshall's 1st Dentist Appointment!!

He did great!!  Gotta love Jackie!!

Best Dental office in the Twin Cities!

The TOADS are here!!!

Last day of school!!

Softball Season has arrived!!!

Malia has a great swing!  Way to go #12!!

Soccer camp--run Morgan run!!

Morgan loves soccer--it's cute!!

Tim went on a fishing trip to Lake Michigan with some guys from church!

Bring on the Salmon, King Salmon, Lake Trout---hmmmm!

Here is 1 of 2 days worth of fishin!!

Time for S'more!

With all the road construction--great time to have a lemonade stand and make some  $$!!

The girls brought in about $14.00 in 4 hours!!

They even had a few repeat customers!

School & softball buds!  Megan & Malia

How's that lemon Morgan??!!

Monkey See--Monkey Do!

Love love love!

Tim's younger brother & sister--David & Lisa!

♥♥  us  ♥♥

Playing at the farm with all the Friese cousins!

Two peas in a pod--Dylan & Marshall

Time for some target practice, too!

We've enjoyed a lot of time on the beach this summer--I love it!

In a nutshell that has been our summer so far!  Malia's softball season is over--just in time for our first ever--Traveling softball season!!  I'm so excited for her!  She did have a week of Basketball camp that she enjoyed as well!  Then Morgan had her soccer camp and oh--she loves it even more now!!

Tim's fishing trip to Michigan was a blast and then just got back from his annual camping trip up to the Boundary Waters!

Malia just got back from a week of Bible Camp @ Northland waaaaay over in the middle of "No-where Wisconsin"!!  She had a great time, enjoyed meeting new friends, being challenged by God's Word and I'm pretty sure this first taste of independence is just the tip of that ice-berg!

The girls leave next week for a week in Montana with my parents!  They are UBER excited!!  Marshall possibly is going to go with, but we're not too sure about that yet--we don't want to overwhelm Grama & Papa Haugen!

We have had just a super fun summer so far--it's so crazy how fast it has gone, but it has been good and I wouldn't trade this for anything!!