Monday, March 26, 2012

Basketball in the driveway--in March!!

No complaints here of our apparent early Spring and we are taking full advantage!! We are getting outside and enjoying our new basketball hoop that we bought in November!!  Malia had a fun first season of basketball this past Nov-Jan and I am thoroughly enjoying playing HORSE and someday "shoot for a quarter" like my dad and I used to do.  (Although it usually ended up being "shoot for a blizzard @ DQ!!"  Thanks Dad for all those treats!!  ha ha)

Marshall loves hoops, too!  

Morgan getting in on the action!!  

Nice form little buddy!!

Nice shot Malia!!

Suprisingly--Morgan has some "ups" & nice form, too!! (She also found her "sweet spot" and kept shooting from there....over and over and over and least that's how Malia described it!)

Love her...she wasn't too into me taking her picture---hence, no teeth in this "smile"!

Marshall B taking a break & cheering his sisters on!

Nice Shot Malia!

Snow - well a little of snow!

What a different winter we had here in Minnesota (use your best "up nort" accent with that!)!  We had snow, yes, but not as much as usual!  So when we did finally get snow we made sure to enjoy it!!  There is something so pure and cleansing about a good snowstorm that blankets us in pure white!

From pure white and pretty---to CRAZY...welcome the Friese Trio of 2012!  Our neighbors joke with us that we hibernate all winter because they don't "see", but all they need to do is look at our yard & hill and they'll see the proof of 3 little munchkins ruling this roost!

Malia's snow-girl!!  Waving as the neighbors drive passed!

Morgan wanted her snow-girl to be super  eyes, just fun eyebrows!

And of course...what is a good snowman-making session without a good snow in your face fight?!!  Somehow Morgan escaped! (Or did she start it and then get away??)

A day at the Zoo!

I know most people think of summer and sunshine when they think of going to the zoo....well, we are not normal!!  For Christmas my parents gave us a year membership to the zoo!!  I'm excited to use this membership again and again throughout this year...and it doesn't clutter my walk-ways, the kids' floor!! (I am going to love this!!)
Malia's highlight is of course the WILD African horses!!
Morgan wished there would've been some Panda's--her current animal obsession!
Marshall LOVED all of it, but mostly thanks God (every time he gets to pray) for letting him see the SHARKS!

My highlight--a day with the kids, fairly nice weather for February and that we can go again and again and enjoy the zoo in every season!