Monday, December 3, 2012

Traditions--all year round!

This year is flying past me like crazy and even the girls can't believe that it's December already!  However, they are very excited to go pick out their 2013 calendar--will it be a horse calendar like this year...or a puppy calendar?  (these tough decisions!)
We had a very nice Thanksgiving with the Frieses as usual and enjoyed our time down on the farm.  Lots of wonderful food and I could eat a cold turkey sandwich every day with fresh cranberry sauce--HMMMMM.  Are you hungry yet?  =)

During the holidays it is no secret that I can get moody and ornery about not having many of "our own" family traditions.  Why?? Well due to weather & road conditions, Tim's reffing schedule, cost of flights or amtrak we don't make it to Montana to celebrate Christmas with my family.  We also don't stay home--we go to Tim's parents.  I love his parents and I'm thankful for them, but I get moody because I am selfish and want to stay home and do "my own" thing--yes "MY" own thing.  So when I start getting this way--and by golly it's already happened--I have to give myself and serious kick in the pants and tell myself to open my eyes because "WE" do have "OUR" own traditions that happen all throughout the Christmas season & throughout the year-- I just have to admit it and get over my pity party!!

Like this:
The Saturday after Thanksgiving is our traditional "decorate the tree & house" day!  I really do look forward to this and the girls have enjoyed helping so much the last couple years!  In fact this year all I did was put the tree together and put the lights on and they completely decorated it!  They did a fantastic job, too!  While we decorate it is also tradition to watch The Incredibles!  We love this movie and it became a tradition a few years ago when for 2 years in a row it just happened to be on TV while we were decorating!  And so now we either rent it or borrow it from friends!

This is a tree made out of a tomato cage!  I made 3 and they are out on the porch!!  Thank you  Pinterest!!

Making cookies and candy is another tradition.  We don't necessarily have a certain day we do this...more like we make a couple different kinds each week of December!  I am also going to be teaching the girls how to make lefse!  They both really want to learn the "art" of this and that makes me happy--if only Great Grandma Haugen could be a part of that!

This was a fun and new cookie!!  Nothing home-made here--just put together with loving little hands!!

A night of drive-thru or hot chocolate will also be coming up as we go drive around and look at Christmas Lights!  Last year we drove through the Lake Phalen lights show and that was so fun.  I'm not sure where we'll drive to this year, but it's another tradition we look forward to and one that I always looked forward to when I was a kid.

As I was growing up and still home one major tradition that I have carried over is the "Christmas Day Scavenger Hunt"!  Due to us being down at the farm, though, our Scavenger hunt is usually after we get on Christmas Day--night, or the following day if Tim and I don't have to work!  This Scavenger hunt is for all 3 kids (sometimes I throw something in there for Tim, too!), there are at least 10 clues that lead the kids all over the house, sometimes out in the garage and sometimes outside (depending on the weather)!  Then at the end of "the hunt" are the most anticipated gifts!  It is fun and it's fun to watch the wheels turn inside their heads as they work as a team to figure out each clue!

I am thankful for my family--all of them!  My family far away and my family here. Thankful for the fun times we do get to spend with each other and all the traditions we have.  Traditions don't just have to be at Christmas, but in the summer, too--the Montana traditions of riding horse, riding 4-wheelers, going to the county fair, going to DQ with Grama & Papa!  So many things to be thankful for!
Merry Christmas!

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