Monday, August 6, 2012

Morgan 7 on 8/11

My sweet Morgan Rylee is going to be 7 at the end of this week.  It's so unbelievable.  Along with being 7 she is going into 2nd grade, too.  Every new chapter of life as a parent and watching these kids grow is so exciting for them and for us!
Morgan has never had a "friend" party, so this year we decided that she could!  BUT--we will be in Montana on her birthday, which does happen to fall on a Saturday ( a perfect day for a party ) what should we do???
Well, we had her party early--on Thursday August 2nd!!  She is our only "summer" kid with a birthday during months where the sun shines and doesn't just reflect off of mountains of snow!  So, we were able to celebrate this occasion in style--complete with a Bouncy House!  Oh, my goodness it was a fun a night!
Some friends of school & church came and even Malia was able to have a couple neighborhood friends over  and they all really enjoyed the craziness of the evening.

1 comment:

  1. What a super fun birthday party!!!! Oh to be 7 again and have all the "hype"...I think we need parties like that once in a while as parents! haha! Happy Birthday to Morgan! Crazy how fast these kiddos grow up--enjoy the last few weeks of summer with them!!! :)
